


  • 问题补充:急用 谢谢
  • The city of Leshan is less than one hour’s ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of Mt.Emei.Leshan is the home of the Giant Buddha at the conflueence of the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers.It qualifies as the largest Buddha in a sitting posture in the world .You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Giant Buddha.The massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousand years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and serene face.  The Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 14.7m head,and 24m shoulders.The Buddha’s ears are 6.72m long, insteps 8.5m broad, and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe, which is 1.5m long.  This carving project was begun in 713.Each summer at that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers flowed down.As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent waves strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen vanished.There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,who saw the situation and was determined to carve a giant Buddha out of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddha’s presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen .Haitong started travelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic carving. Once an evil official attempted to obtain by force the money collected by Haitong.The monk refused him in strong terms.He said,”I’d rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,”The official shouted in anger,”gouge your eye out now!”Haitong resolutely dug out one of his eyes.  The monk’s behavior in protecting the funding so greatly encouraged sculptors and other construction workers that the carving work went on smoothly. Unfortunately Haitong died before the completion of his life’s work .However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhangchou Jianqing,the local top military commanders. The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was completed.Since then the Buddha has watched over the river traffic for more than a thousand years to offset the large number of serious accidents in the river. Modern Chinese question whether safer boat gravel is due to his presence or to sime later-day dredging.  As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows around the Buddha.They are remains of so Called the Giant Buddha Pavilion . It was a nine-storied building set up during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the Buddha.It was renamed as the Lingyun Pavilion with 13 stories during the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately it was destroyed by a war during the Ming Dynasty. Since then the Buddha remains outside in the open space.  The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousand years, and still survives in good shape.Why? First of all, according to the studies on the ancient construction of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical advantages. It is on the southern side of the hill,where verdant trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from erosion.Secondly although the Buddha seats bordering on the confluence of the three rivers, the immense statue is carved into the cliff face inside the hill,which alleviate the severe damage by wind and water erosion.Finally there is a water-drainage system,hidden from view.The system starts with 1021 fastened hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead .The end of the hairs inter-links the shoulders,joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on the body.The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturally reveal a complete system that carries away the entire surface water on the body, where the water disappears underground.It is worth making several passes at the Buddha.From the ferry pier on the island,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple to a vantage point for viewing the buddha.You can go to the top,opposite the head, and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the different perspective viwepoints.A local boat passes by for a frontal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from land,Wuyou Buddhist Monastery can be reached in 15 minutes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dynasty with Ming and Qing renovations,Its layout is very similar to the other monasteries as we mentioned before.Walking along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of Wuyou Hill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golden tiles of the monastery roofs and the distant rivers.  It would be a mistake to thind of Leshan as one big Buddha, but it is worth making a trip to Leshan,which will provide you with a pleasant picture made by the ancient Chinese sites and the beautiful nature being combined into a whole.
  • 哪个网站有张家界英文导游词

  • 问题补充:哪个网站有张家界英文导游词
  • 你好!这个也不错:http://zjjggad.blog.sohu.com/  希望你能满意!  有时间到俺家看看:http://zjjggad.blog.sohu.com/  拜拜!
  • 合肥三河导游词(英文)

  • 问题补充:合肥三河导游词(英文)
  • 英文你翻译吧非常高兴向各位朋友介绍美丽的三河.三河距今已有2500多年历史,自古水陆通衢,车船辐辏,百货交通,商贾云集,甚是繁荣,曾于1949 年设市,当时人口5.6 万,被誉为皖中商品走廊,是典型的中国水乡古镇.21世纪的三河正在缔造新的辉煌,21世纪的三河旅游业展开了腾飞的翅膀.开放、和谐、美丽、神奇的三河,旅游资源丰富、旅游业发展得天独厚,日新月异.三河镇把旅游业确定为“十五”期间三河经济的龙头产业,按照“高起点,新思路,大手笔,创一流”的要求,坚持高起点规划,把三河纳入合肥大旅游经济发展圈;高标准建设,打造“合肥顶级,安徽精品”的旅游产品;优化旅游环境,把三河建成最适宜人类旅居的城镇;壮大旅游产业,使旅游业成为三河经济发展的支柱,努力塑造“经济强镇、生态新镇、历史名镇”的旅游城镇形象.世纪之交,千年更替,改革开放的三河需要了解世界,世界也需要了解三河.三河人民热情好客,珍重友情,渴望海内外朋友到三河观光旅游,投资兴业,并分享三河经济腾飞的欢乐.三河,座落在巢湖岸畔,地处合肥、六安、巢湖三市交界处,位于安徽省城合肥至黄山、九华山的旅游黄金线上,距合肥35 公里,因环镇而抱的丰乐河、杭埠河与流贯镇内的小南河合而为一而得名.镇内五里长街,古建筑飞檐翘壁,雕梁画栋,青石板路光滑清澈,见证着三河所经历的风雨岁月;镇外,河湖环绕,稻花飘香,碧波万里,风光潋滟,一派“‘春秋’古镇,皖中水乡”的美丽风光,形成了“外环两岸、中峙三洲”的独特地貌.三河是具有2500多年的水乡古镇,史称“鹊渚”,是全国文明村镇,中国历史文化名镇,全国小城镇建设重点镇,安徽省最佳旅游乡镇,安徽省环境优美镇,合肥市“新十景”之一.三河,以水乡古镇为特色.源于水,灵于水,活于水,盛于水,水是三河的灵魂.2900米小南河穿镇而过,潺潺流淌,清澈见底,河上古桥横跨,水中游船荡漾,河边垂柳拂水,岸上却是古老的徽派建筑群和百铺相连的古大街,前门店铺,后门码头,依河傍水,河街相连,再现了一幅现代的“清明上河图”.三河镇以水乡古镇为特色,形成了江淮地区独有的“八古”景观.自古就有的古河,从古代流淌到今天;古河上有石桥,连接着记忆与梦想;走进古圩,则让我们感受到原始的自然风光;青石板上的古街巷,保留着历史街区德肌理;古民居飞檐翘角,雕梁画栋,形成少见的晚清建筑群;古茶楼依堤傍水,荟萃了三河饮食文化的精华;曾经十分红火的古庙台,缭绕着昔日的沧桑云烟;太平军遗下的两段城墙,则给我们留下了古战场的战火痕迹.总之,三河八古,佐证和诠释着三河的古老,给今天的游客增添了访古探幽的雅兴和情趣.非物质文化遗产,庐剧作为中国一个剧种,在江淮地区广为流传.三河是庐剧的发源地,庐剧的第一剧目——《小辞店》生活来源于三河,至今民间仍流传着《小辞店》里发生的缠绵纯洁的爱情故事.三河民俗文化丰富多彩,体现了中国南北文化的交融,至今,春节至元宵节期间,民间仍自发举办耍龙灯、闹旱船、河蚌舞等活动,端午节时,人们做粽子、玩龙舟;中秋节仍玩火把;婚丧娶嫁,仍抬花轿、请“良玩”,保存着淳厚的民风.三河饮食,以徽派菜系为底蕴,融百家菜系之长,堪称中国饮食的一大奇葩,闻名遐迩,传统宴席—“八八席”、“八四席”,无不传递着久远饮食文化的底蕴,“三河酥鸭”、“米粉虾”、“豆腐面鱼汤”等名菜无不展示水乡的风韵,“三河小米饺”、“三河马蹄酥”让你回味无穷,还有三河茶干、三河米酒,工艺品三河羽毛扇更让人流连忘返.至今,仍保存明清民谣《十大舍不得》:“一舍不得三河街花花世界,二舍不得大河水淘米洗菜……”游览三河,观赏的是风景,感受的却是厚重的历史和文化;三河,这座镶嵌在巢湖岸畔璀璨的明珠,以“水乡古镇”独特的魅力,笑迎四方宾朋.安徽省博物馆:安徽省博物馆是中国省级方综合性博物馆.位于安徽省合肥市安庆路.1953年4月,在安徽省合肥科学馆、皖北文管会、芜湖科学馆、皖南文物馆合并的基础上筹备,1956年11月14日正式成立.该馆陈列大楼建筑面积11580平方米,文物库房4156平方米.馆藏文物有历代铜、陶、瓷、金、 银、玉器、货币、书画、民俗、砖雕石刻、文房四宝、革命文物及社会主义建设时期的文物等,总计104684件.其中古籍109126册 (其中善本书8000余册),一级藏品135件.藏品中最具特色的,是历年来安徽各地出土的商周青铜器,如寿县蔡侯墓出土的莲瓣铜壶,通高80厘米,器形高大,盖顶作镂空的莲瓣形,颈部有对称的兽形双耳,四兽作足,造型生动,为春秋时期少见的艺术珍品;寿县楚王墓出土的楚大鼎,通高113厘米,口径87厘米,重约400千克,形体高大,是现存周代以来最大最重的鼎,仅次于1939年河南安阳出土的商代司母戊大鼎.该馆珍藏的古代瓷器 有1963年宿松县北宋(1087)墓中出土的青白瓷注子与注碗,注子高20.2厘米,碗高13.9厘米,是景德镇青白瓷中少见的佳作,也是宋瓷断代中的珍贵标准器物.铁画是中国传统工艺美术中的一种,具有立体感和独特的艺术风格,馆藏清初铁画名家梁在邦的作品《芦蟹图》,是铁画中的代表作.编辑本段 回目录 安徽省博物馆 – 博物馆珍藏该馆陈列以地方历史为重点,有《安徽古代史》、《安徽革命史》和《安徽古生物化石》三个基本陈列.1981~1986年6月,该馆先后举办各种展览120多个,每年观众15~22万人次.1984年4月,《安徽古代文房四宝展》曾在日本东京展出.该馆从事文物保护科研的人员,曾对青铜器防腐蚀进行研究,用局部电蚀法去除青铜器上的粉状锈,并结合使用苯骈三氮唑化学浸蚀剂保护青铜器,已取得较好的效果.科研室与中国科技大学合作的科研项目“激光全息文物 无损检测”,获得了文化部科技成果表扬奖和安徽省人民政府颁发的科技成果三等奖.编辑本段 回目录 安徽省博物馆 – 博物馆丛书该馆编辑出版的书刊有《寿县蔡□墓出土遗物》、《安徽名人画选》、《毛主席视察安徽省博物馆》、《安徽省博物馆藏品选》、《安徽画家汇编》、《安徽古代文房四宝展览图录》、《明清徽州社会资料选编》、《歙事闲谈》(校订本)、《新四军在皖南》及《安徽文博》等.
  • 求兰州五泉山的英文导游词(150词左右)

  • 问题补充:五泉山简介:兰州夹在南北两山之间,南面的这座叫做皋兰山,五泉山就是皋兰山的北麓,是皋兰山的一部分。它背靠皋兰,面对市区,海拔1600多米,现在占地面积是27.6万平方米,它比世界上最小的国家梵蒂冈的一半还大。山上现在保存有明清以来的古建筑十多处,1000多间,规模宏大。庙宇楼台依山就势,错落有致;长廊阁道上下连通,蜿蜒曲折。山间丘壑起伏,林木苍翠,环境清幽,空气宜人,五眼长流不息的清泉,汇成潺潺的流水,曲回而下。五泉山,1955年被国家正式开辟为公园,是兰州人节假日休闲旅游的场所,每年还在这里举办各种灯会、花卉展览活动。公园里有动物园,豢养各类动物上百种;还有各种成人和儿童的游乐设施。 不用直接翻译,谢谢啊!
  • A brief introduction of WuQuan Mountain. Lanzhou is situated between two mountains, one in the north, the other in the south. The one in the south is called Bolan Mountain. Wuquan Mountian is at the north foothills of Bolan Mountain. It is actually part of Bolan Mountain. With its back toward Bolan Mountain, it, with an altitude of over 1600 meters, faces the city area. Its size is about 276 thousand square meters, just over half the size of Vatican, the world’s smallest country. On the Mountain, there are more than 1000 ancient structures spread in over 10 areas, left from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. These are all large and magnificent buildings. Temples lean on the mountain, mixed in orderly. Long and winding corridors connect the upper and lower parts of these buildings. Hills roll up and down along the mountain with trees and forests. It presents a very quiet atmosphere, clean and crisp air. There is also a spa with five springs, forming a stream that winds down hill. In 1955, Wuquan Mountain became a National Park. It is a leisure tourist site for Lanzhou citizens during holidays. Every years, lantern festivals, floral exhibitions and other activities are held on the mountain. In the park, there is also a zoo with over 100 species of animals. The amusement park is equipped with various rides for both adults and children.
  • 求北京什刹海胡同游英文导游词~

  • 问题补充:西城什刹海胡同游比较全面的英文导游词请各大高手,帮个忙,谢谢~O(∩_∩)O~
  • Old Beijing flavor Grand Canal Terminals -Shi Sha hai Shi Shahai Deshengmen from the North Bridge, the North Sea south to the back door, the same kind of water from the sea before and after the sea, the West Sea (Jishui Tan). Also known as "10-productive" because this area had 10 Baosha, therefore the name. Humanities rich history here. Guan Hanqing the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu, Ming Li Dongyang, Yuan Hongdao, the Qing Dynasty Nalanxingde, Cao Yin, Liu Yong, Zhang Zhidong, the modern summer sticks nest, Guo Moruo, Zhang Boju, often to this event or long Living in this. Shi Shahai to radiation as the center of the surrounding area is also available in the Mei Lanfang Hu Guosi Street house, to Tiananmen Square Hu Shih former places of residence within metres of grain, to Tiananmen Square, Johnston (Puyi's English teacher) former places of residence, to Tiananmen Square Main Street East Wellington Koo former places of residence, east Maor backdoor alley-yu, is the University of disabilities, the home can park, the adjacent Queen's Wanrong is the last of the family house. Shisha Hai Haidong from the former northward along the way. "Barbecue quarter," Restaurant advertising under the bridge is Yinding Qiao, where Lotus had been planted in the late Qing Guangxu years some Daguan elite, Wenrenmoke here Shanghe, Lake Tea Tour, so set-Habitat, Qingyinchashe, blasting belly Wang, barbecue season, will be appear from time to time-of Health. Then sit here and push window will be tabled in a Lotus. Shi Shahai now is not only the public park, and attract many tourists. "Barbecue quarter" in front of rickshaws, bicycles, cars come and go, the river grinder of the boat came in from time to time, pipa, erhu the Golden Voice, two small guys from "barbecue quarter" in carrying delivery Mu Xia barrels of embarkation, a girl with Danfen Qipao sit on the bow gracefully on the vine Quanyi embrace pipa, Chuanpeng's Cup in a note to listen or watch the boat, Zhuantou. Along the river bar sat a group blonde foreigner. Shi Shahai retained the edge of many ancient streets. Like Yandaixiejie, Yin Dingqiao Xiecha it from the north into the axis of the bell Gulou the west side of Main Street, shape like a Yandai. This street, there are antique shops, a fish shop, jewellery shops, bath, Xiuju Pu, bookstores, Yan Mei Fong, and other shops, a cloud Shuige Liao Qi, the owner had his home is used to suit the garment shops, Beijing's first suit is produced in this shop. Yandaixiejie from entering after the Haibei along the Arthur children alley, gradually noisy sound strip, the You-alley in an open cement board on the roads Sazhaoguhuai Posuo mottled the Shuying. Shi Shahai preserved in the alley near a dozen blocks Baosha the only preserved the most complete, the Yuan Dynasty, founded in Beijing famous ancient temples in one of the eight-Huasi. Serve in the Forbidden City, Wan Rong Zhang eunuchs had also live here. In Shi Shahai Xianbu, especially people Huaixiang Last Emperor Puyi. And here he has a special fate. He grew up in Wales after the House of alcohol; living Liu Yin Street Prince Gong Yi Xin Pu Yi is the grandfather of six, while Baylor old Tao Tao House are masters of Pu Yi is the Qi Shu; Shi Shahai former East Sea Maor alley Is the Queen's Palace is the home Wanrong; Shufei Wenxiu and Puyi in the Puppet贵人Tan Yuling during the two were in the home of the North Prince Gong House Xiangfeng alley. Apart from the forest of construction Palace, where the alley is definitely going to see the. South official alley, the alley Xiangfeng, the wire alley, three bridges alley, the former along the Haibei, Hainan after along with the various courtyard, because of the different grades, in the form of doors, the doors of the hall, the openings into the deep, Zan door, the threshold, Shek Mun pillow, Mendun, the Ying, Yingbi walls and Zhuandiao patterns, accessories of choice, both have different stresses.
  • 求无锡主要旅游景点的英文导游词(鼋头渚/蠡园/锡惠公园/古运河/寄畅园)

  • 问题补充:可以是WORD文档,也可以是相关的链接网站,谢谢啦哈~是英文哦~
  • 各位游客:在无锡有一座近500年历史的名园,它不仅体现了我国明清两代造园艺术的高超水平,而且文物也十分丰富,这就是我们即将前去游览的寄畅园。  寄畅园是中国山麓别墅园林的代表。它位于惠山东麓,占地I4.85亩。该园虽小,却能利用山水地形,精心布局,巧妙运用借景,将惠山、锡山秀色揽人围内,以有限的空间,造无尽的意境,从而成为中国古典园林的杰出典范。1988年寄畅园被列为国家重点文物保护单位。  【寄畅园历史沿革和得名由来】  关于寄畅园的创建历史,最早可以追溯到明代,它的前身是秦氏家园,故名“秦园”。此园第一代园主秦金,号凤山,是宋代著名文学家秦观的后裔。在明嘉靖年间,他曾先后任吏部、户部、礼部、兵部、刑部等五部尚书,为告老还乡,颐养天年,利用原惠山寺“南隐”和“汇寓”两僧舍,初步奠定了园林的雏形,因秦金号“凤山”,故初名“凤谷行窝”。  到了明万历十九年(1591年),第三代园主秦耀因失意于官场而被解职,从而驱使他寄情于山水之间,先后花了七年时间,在“民谷行窝”的基础上建成20景。新园建成后,取王羲之的诗句“取欢仁智乐,寄畅山水阴;清冷涧下濑,历落松竹林”,而命名为“寄畅园”。  清代顺治十四年(1657年),秦氏后裔秦德藻专门请了造园名家张南垣设计改造,并由他的高徒侄子张武负责施工,在园内精心叠石,引入惠山泉。经一代名家张南垣的创意,寄畅园的风光更美了,名声也更大了。  康熙、乾隆两朝帝王对寄畅园更是十分垂青,在100年间,他们祖孙两人分别六下江南,每次都要到奇畅园游览。康熙还特意为寄畅园题写了“山色溪光”、“松风水月”刻石。乾隆更是不惜耗费巨资,以寄畅因为蓝本,在北京万寿山建了一座“惠山园”,就是如今在颐和园中的“谐趣园”。  各位游客:寄畅园的历史就介绍到这里,下面随我到园中去参观。  【凤谷行窝大厅—秉礼堂—含贞斋—九狮台—邻梵阁】  各位:在门厅右侧墙壁上,嵌刻的是明代石刻《寄畅园记》。过门厅,天井里两块刻石,右边是康熙题写的“山色溪光”,概括国内景色;左边是乾隆题写的“玉戛金从”,赞美园内八音洞的美妙泉声。往前是“民谷行窝”大厅,三门敞厅正中悬挂朱妃瞻所题写的匾额。凤谷行窝是寄畅园最早的名字。寄畅园第一代主人秦金,号“凤山”,惠山俗称龙山,以“凤山”相对,指出此地是“凤藏龙山”的风水宝地。现在的大厅是清雍正年间改建的,厅前柱子上挂着无锡金石家高石农篆书翁同龢的楹联:“杂树垂荫,云淡烟轻;凤泽洁畅,气爽节和。”走廊东门叫“侵云”门,“侵云”为锡峰塔的别名,出此间可望锡峰塔影。酉门为“碍月” 门,可眺望九龙山峰,因峰高阻碍月色,故名“碍月”。  从“碍月”门出来,是一座苏式小庭院,中间是小水池,用太湖石围砌。周围红柱回廊连接整个庭院,廊的两端各有一个月洞门,分别叫“凝翠”和“含秀”。在廊壁上嵌有一部分《寄畅园法帖》石刻。院子南面的“秉礼堂”,古朴典雅,装饰扇木格子落地长窗,共有18扇。这里是执掌礼仪的场所,据说此堂题名是为纪念关公。关羽被曹操软禁后,为试探关羽,只给他一间房,关羽把房让给嫂嫂,自己站在门外,借月光读书到天明。曹操为此佩服至极。园主人更是敬佩关公,题名“秉礼”,即秉烛达旦,遵守礼节之意。  从北面出小院,坐西朝东的三门古屋,是“含贞斋”,这里原是明代园主秦耀读书处,这位官场失意的园主喜欢吟咏“盘桓抚古松,千载怀渊明;岁寒挺高节,吾自含我贞”的诗句,因此斋名也就叫作“含贞斋”。屋前两棵银杏树,高大挺拔,在它的后面种植着大片桂花树。穿过树林,看到的是“九狮台”。  九狮台是座大型假山,整座假山看上去像九只用太湖石叠成的巨大的雄狮。据说这是根据元代无锡大画家倪云林的《九狮图》画稿堆砌而成的。登上狮首,是全国最高点,整个园林一览无余。  从九狮台南行,不远就到了“邻梵阁”。梵界即为佛界,阁建在假山上,因紧靠惠山寺,故名“邻梵阁”。原来的建筑已毁,现在的阁是在80年代初根据明代王稚登《寄畅园记》的记载重建的,游人登临眺望,锡山风光尽收眼底。  各位游客:我们继续向东走,在快到尽头的高墙前,这座三米多高的湖石,它倚墙而立,像窈窕淑女,在方池前以水为镜,梳理发妆。所以人们都叫她 “美人石”。石前这个长方形的池塘,叫“镜池”。游客欣赏“美人石”一定要站在方池的西南角,少女楚楚动人的神态才能惟妙惟肖地展现在您的面前。石前的御碑亭里有乾隆的御笔。乾隆来此游览时,认为此石巍然昂首,有大丈夫气魄,将它改名为“介如峰”。园主人为此特意把乾隆的题字和题诗刻成石碑,立在镜池前面。各位游客,大家看一下石的南墙角,有一块不显眼的石头,好像一只癫蛤蟆,对着美人石张口垂涎,真像癫蛤模想吃天鹅肉。  从美人石的碑亭向北看,这片碧波荡漾的水面是“锦汇漪”,因为它汇集全国锦绣景色而得名。而整个寄畅园的风景正是围绕着这一流池水为中心而展开的。“锦汇漪”南北长,东西狭,面积仅有2.5亩,却显得开阔明朗。东面是临水亭廊,西面地势高处造假山,水面上筑有石桥,使水面成为不规则的巨大镜面,把周围的山影、塔影、廊影、亭影、树影、花影和人影汇集在池中。  从“锦汇满”东岸沿长廊向北,首先看到的是一座六角小亭,亭名“郁盘”,取自王维《辅川园记》中“郁郁盘盘,云水飞动”之句。亭中青石圆台和石鼓凳是明代遗留下来的秦氏旧物。郁金亭还有一个民间传说:清朝惠山寺有位老和尚,棋艺高超。乾隆游惠山时,便和他在青石圆台上对弈。结果,乾隆连连得胜、他想:我的棋艺远不如老僧,为何反而连连得胜?无非我是皇帝,他不敢取胜罢了。后查明果然不出乾隆所料,因此乾隆虽然获胜,仍郁郁不欢,后人就把此回台取名“郁盘”,亭就叫一郁盘亭”了。  由郁盘亭向北的长廊叫“郁盘长廊”,为秦耀改造园林时所建。旧廊前后古木成荫,郁郁葱葱,墙上漏窗外竹石花木若隐若现。游客仔细看会发现,这里的廊柱特别高,这条长廊也特别高敞。因此在廊内举目四望,“锦汇漪”对面的高大树木,以及雄伟的惠山也能一览无遗。  【知鱼槛—鹤步滩—七星桥—涵碧亭】  顺着长廊向北,只见有一方亭伸入水中,此亭名叫“知鱼槛”。它三面环水,是当年秦耀改建寄畅园时建造的。建成以后言主人常常在此凭槛观鱼,怡然自得。亭中的匾额是张辛稼所书,中间悬挂着吴永康画的观鱼图。  “知鱼槛”对面是“鹤步滩”。它是园中的主山,用当地山石围叠,并用土夯实。造园者把这里的假山当作惠山余脉来处理,使它们气势相连,假山脚下有弯曲谷道,洞水顺流而下,水石相谐,情趣盎然,好似成群白鹤栖息漫步,因此取名“鹤步滩”。  “锦汇漪”上的石桥,用7条石板直铺而成,因名“七星桥”。七星桥东面临水的是飞檐翘角的“涵碧亭”。亭后的古樟,已有400多年历史。  【嘉树堂—八音涧—明清古樟—《寄畅园法帖》石刻】  嘉树堂是寄畅园最北面的一座建筑,1993年全面翻修,恢复明代硬山式建筑风格。游客站在堂前,南面秀丽的锡山,山顶的龙光塔和园中的知鱼槛、郁金亭等融合在一起,形成了“山地塔影”的奇妙景象。这是寄畅园小中见大建园风格的体现。  嘉树堂东面是“浣绿”廊门,而出西边“闻韵”廊门,便到了“八音涧”。此涧是根据晋代左思“何必丝与竹,山水有清音”的名句而命名的。八音洞用黄石堆砌而成,上面种古树,下面清泉流淌,洞水引自“二泉”水,人行其中如行幽谷中。  八音涧边假山群中的这些古树,都是有二三百年树龄的古樟,它们枝繁叶茂,最大的胸围有4米。  在游览寄畅园中,我们还可欣赏到《寄畅园法帖》石刻,一共200多方,分布在郁盘亭长廊、秉礼堂、含贞斋的墙上,以及邻梵阁、嘉树堂中。这些法帖是清嘉庆年间秦氏家族在乾隆所赐《三希堂法帖》的基础上,搜集宋、元、明、清名家,如秦观、文徵明、董其昌、刘塘等的墨迹,精雕细刻而成。现在看到的是 1981年根据旧拓本重新摹刻的,基本再现古时风采。在含贞斋南侧围墙上,还保存着零星残存的原有石刻。如果客人中有书法爱好者,可以慢慢浏览欣赏。  各位游客:寄畅园的游览已经结束了。通过刚才的游览,使我们感到此园面积虽小,却能巧用借景,小中见大,达到咫尺园林,多方胜境的效果。
  • 青山李白墓英文导游词

  • 问题补充:安徽省马鞍山市当涂县青山李白墓英文导游词
  • 李白墓园枕着郁郁葱葱的青林山,面对奔流不息的青山河,山青水碧,环境幽雅,与采石矶、天门山形成李白文化旅游线。园内有牌坊、太白碑林、眺青阁、太白祠,李白墓、青莲书院、十咏亭、盆景园等景点。 李白墓完整地保存了唐代名人墓葬形制,太白祠、享堂集中展现了明清宗族祠堂的建筑风格,“宋碑”则详细记载了李白生平身世和诗歌成就,“太白碑林”镶嵌着著名书法家书写的李白各个时期经典诗碑106方。 走进墓园,春看杜鹃、夏赏青莲、秋闻金桂、冬品腊梅,亭台楼阁、竹林流水,相映成趣、相得益彰,诗魂背枕的青林山,林壑优美、鸟道纡曲、百鸟鸣啁,由南远眺如展瓣芙蓉,婀娜多姿,由北遥望若朝天双阙,直入云霄。 今天的李白墓,始建于公元817年,是安徽省重点文物保护单位,更是研究李白及其诗文,欣赏书法作品,品味园林艺术的江南著名文化旅游景点。

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