小安阅读法(大D知道 | 阅读方法盘点之小安阅读法)

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▉ 阅读方法一:小安阅读法
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There is a good way to improve reading, try to get my post and try to practice hard on the second round review, you can get a framework of RC and you will hardly do wrong on some question types, and then again the third round review will help you to practice what you learned from the second round, do not ignore this round, because when I finally take test, I have no tip for any question types. The tips I summarized are all translated into a feeling, I can easily correctly choose the answe raccording to my feelings, you have to practice to get those tips all translated into a habit.

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Before you practice, try to think “why those answers are wrong?”, “Is there anything common in the wrong answers?”, “And in the right answers?”(大D批注:总结各题型的解题技巧,纠正自我思维,贴合官方思维。) Try to comprehend what is “related” and what is “unrelated”,do not easily judge, try to comprehend what is “related” and what is “unrelated”?? What is “related” and what is “unrelated” information (choice), that is a very important rule to quickly rule out some wrong choices and the next is “what is conform to the author”, “what is conform to the author’s attitude”, and “what is not (also choices)”.
If you see, try to read the passage again for the attitude info, this is a great rule to rule out some wrong choices, the attitude thing and I can tell you that, I did all the RC inferquestion without relocate(大D批注:强烈建议要回原文定位) because I can easily rule out wrong answers, memorize the pattern, and try to practice. Without practice, you can get nothing. But it is the goal; you should do something before hand.
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First, categorize all the RC questions(大D批注:对题目分类进行解题技巧的小结,而不是对文章本身进行分类) You should guarantee 100% right on “main idea” type questions(大D批注:我们对学员的要求也是主旨题100%正确,真的没有任何理由做错), try to collect all detail questions(大D批注:并不是让你去记忆文章细节), I mean those with line number or key words, try to get these right answer back to the passage. You will see some question rules(大D批注:在后面会重点讲到). I do not want to tell you because you can get the rules by yourself, if I tell you the detailed rule, you will not certainly get what I mean.
Then collect the “structure type”, and promise yourself you can do 90% right or higher, it is just easy like “main idea and attitude” thing. Do you know why you should get question types apart? First, you can get suttle feelings about how to make a question Second, you can get info about how to prepare to do those questions when you are reading the passage, it is very important to get the question right, you will see when you finished summarizing, you can easily tell that” oh, I think ETS(大D批注:那个时候主办方还是ETS现在已经是GMAC了,小安前辈于2003年12月无私分享出这个方法,已经是13年前了) will make a question in here”, when you are reading the passage, when you know there is a structure type questions, you will think following questions when reading: 1. why the author write this paragraph? 2.What he want to tell us? 3. Is there any change in attitude? 4. What is the function of the detail in this paragraph? 5. What may be the relation between this paragraph and the whole passage? That is very important! Not everyone do that when reading, so they have to relocate info and it cost precious time, you should analyze the question like “what can I get the answer when Iread”, it is equal to “what part of passage I should read carefully when I read”, I get all passages reread and underlined what part is the key to question. I mean on the passage using fluorescent pen, it is very clear.
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Second: try to get all infer question collected, try to contrast the answer and the original text and try to get what is wrong about the wrong questions. Why they are all wrong, do not stop on why they are all wrong when you can get some feeling like”too extreme”, you should think hard on how to quickly rule out some of them, that is the “related/unrelated” stuff. And the “attitude” stuff, which I mentioned above, the infer questions are very important if you want to get higher scores such as 730+. You should categorize on subject matter, you will see that what the “science” passages want to test you on. The most important is “the whole logic relation between facts and stuffs”, you have to get the logic relation between A,B,C,D…A lead to B, C can restrain A. D can restrain B, you must quickly realized that both Cand D can restrain B, only A can lead to B, you only should memorize the “either lead to or restrain” relationships between things, do not get it more complicated, you will confused if you do not memorize or memorize too much. So just lead to or restrain, just support or do not support, that is enough for quickly ruling out most confusing wrong answers without relocating(大D批注:推理题还是建议回原文定位). When you get 文科 passages, pay more attention on 列举, when you get economic and management passages, pay more attention to the logic推理顺序 and support/unsupported relationship. You can easily get the feeling if you summarize and can get detailed feelings(大D批注:并不绝对,反例很容易找出).
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1. Try to directly get all the answers from passage because you are familiar with the passages. Do not see the questions, try to get what may be a question here
2. When you finished reading, try to write the frame in Chinese (or English) in a paper. It is quite like to write down 机经, do not read questions, do not read the passage when you write the frame, (大D批注:不就是提取文章的逻辑结构么~)
Why you have to do this?
–To know what you have forgotten and the capacity of your memorization and you can improve in the next passage. Every paragraph, five questions and what may be the key point for questions and finally you will improve on the ability to memorize more of the passage framework, the more and the clear you can memorize the frame(大D批注:小安前辈此处让大家记清楚的是文章的框架!而不是细节!)of the passage,the less time you have to spend on questions, practice in this round and try to get all your tips summarized intoreading, you cannot tell clear rules finally, and you have get the all steps. On the third round, try to answer the questions after finish the writing. Why?It is for structure question. Try to practice “related/unrelated” and”conform or not conform to the attitude” rule, this is all I know about RC review and try to practice more passages in one day on the second round. The more you can get in one day,the stronger you feel about RC, it’s easy to say but very tough.
(1)虽然这篇文章是小安前辈大约13年前分享出来的,虽然考试在这13年期间不断的改革,但GMAT阅读部分考察逻辑的本质并没有改变:frame是这篇文章中高频出现的一个key word;


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