建设一个温馨和谐、文明繁盛的家园是我们共同的心愿。去年4月25日,市委、市政府召开了“三城同创”暨城市管理动员大会,提出了“三城同创”的职业目标,这是市委、市政府作出的重大职业部署。 今年5月我市将要迎接省级文明城市复检,9月份要申报全国文明城市创建职业先进城市。当前,文明城市的创建迎检职业处于关键时期,广大市民是城市的主体,每个市民既是争创全省文明城市的受益者、评判者,更是参与者和建设者,惟有我们共同用心血和汗水才能浇灌出灿烂的文明之花。
the change of the city
i live in a city, since i was small, i witnessed all the things happened in this city. now, in my eyes, after so many years, the city has changed so much. first, the transportation has become fluent. many years ago, there were less bus stations, people always needed to changed their lines by many cars. but now, almost all the places can be reached by bus, people don’t need to change the line. second, the buildings are enlarging, this reflects the city’s economy develops fast. indeed, i can go to many newly built public places to have fun, some are for children, some are for the old, all of these are good for people’s communication. the city’s change reflects people keep pace with time.
In recent years, with the fact that industry and commerce’s swiftness and violence develops,in the city, trees’s quantity reduces greatly. Has already, people made various make great efforts to prevent trees from being felled, but has also ought to know the significance to planting trees in and around the city. Plant trees in and around the city bringing about much benefit: Purify air , beautify a city , provide wood. Appeal for people: Know the urban afforestation contribution to the urban environment , plant trees and protect them from being infringed upon by commerce
四、以my city为题目的英语作文,五句话就行了
my city is a beautiful place where you can enjoy yourself there.第一句,下面接