1. Keep doing exercise regularly to maintain your energy and vitality.(定期锻炼可以保持你的精力和活力。)
2. Eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep to stay energized and lively.(平衡饮食,充足睡眠可以保持你的精力和活力。)
3. Don’t let stress drain your energy; find ways to manage it to stay vibrant.(不要让压力耗尽你的能量;找到管理压力的方法以保持活力。)
4. Engage in activities you enjoy to keep your mind and body active and energetic.(参加你喜欢的活动,让你的身心保持活跃和充满活力。)
5. Connect with others and maintain good relationships to keep yourself energized and happy.(与他人建立联系并保持良好的人际关系,可以让你保持充满能量和快乐。)
- 高三没有太多时间锻炼英语翻译怎么说
- 高三没有太多时间锻炼氦福份凰莓好逢瞳抚困High school grade three dont have much time to exercise
- 高一体育锻炼比高三体育锻炼多High school grade one 缉常光端叱得癸全含户exercise more than high school grade three physical exercise
- Its important to exercise for a担绩曹啃丨救查寻肠默n hour every day.
得到更多锻炼 用英语怎么说做计划 用英语怎么说
- 个人认为应该要用get much experience哦experience的意思是经历 你说的得到更多锻炼 换个角氦害份轿莓计逢袭抚陋度说 就是经历多了有了经验 才叫锻炼对吗如果是单纯的想说锻炼身体的话 也是可以用excercise的
- Parks are the best place for morning exercises.
- exercise
我四点五十放学后参加体育锻炼四十分钟 用英语怎么说
- 感人肺腑闭颊时时绦暗
- Its important to exercise for a担绩曹啃丨救查寻肠默n hour every day.